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HOT Project



In 2012, HOT participants conducted training and networking activities over three weeks aiming to foster the growth of the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project in Senegal.

HOT's work in Senegal started with a field mission funded through the World Bank’s ICT (Internet and Communications Technology) Branch and the Fondation de France, thanks to a partnership with OpenStreetMap France (OSM-FR). Three HOT participants conducted training and networking activities over three weeks (20 May - 9 June, 2012) aiming to fostering the growth of the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project in Senegal. In this first mission, HOT reached out to ongoing GIS projects, local Tech communities, Senegalese geomatics scene actors (Senegalese SDI), and Academics leading to the cultivation and training of a local OSM Community in Senegal.

From a humanitarian lens, OSM and HOT work has been presented to an audience comprised of the UN IM/GIS from OCHA-ROWCA, World Food Program, UNICEF and ICRC, as well as representatives from the local tech communities (JokkoLabs) to put the focus on the cooperation between Humanitarian actors and the Voluntary Technical Communities (VTCs). Eventually those actions will lead to the building of a local OSM community and the creation of an OSM environment in Senegal and in Western Africa for crisis preparation, recovery, and development contexts.

An additional deployment of a HOT coordinator in Senegal was made in the fall of 2012 to continue fostering the growing OSM_SN community. Learn more about the flourishing OSM_SN Community at its OSM wiki page, its twitter , and the blog posts listed below.

Related blog posts

Recent news from Senegal (View all news)

Animating the OSM Senegal Community

In Dakar, back from Saint-Louis where I have been mostly working animating the OSM SN community in this town harnessing on our partnerships with BantaLabs and University Gaston Berger and reaching out to new partners from NGOs and Governements. Prior getting into details about those intense and rich days for the OSM Project Senegal and its community, I'd like to take a look back at the past weeks since the end of the HOT set up mission of this program by Mid December.

At BarCamp Thies

I spent a week in Dakar preparing with some active mappers of the OSM SN community the attendance of the Thies BarCamp organized by the Senegalese OpenSource movement.

15 January, 2013

Back to Senegal, Further Creating a Mapping Community

Augustin and I conducted HOT’s third deployment HOT to Senegal 24 November to 15 December, 2012. The main objective: set-up Augustin Doury for five months of volunteering to grow the OSM SN community and to improve the maps of the area. This initiative has been possible with the funding of Fondation de France (FDF) and our partnership with OpenStreetMap France.

Nicolas Chavent — 9 January, 2013