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News — 07 January, 2012

Christmas donation from nestoria

Nestoria have given a very generous donation to the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

In a blog post CEO Ed Freyfogle explains:
"...rather than sending our clients and partners Christmas gifts, we've instead donated on their behalf to a project we believe has the potential to improve the lives of millions: the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)."

What a great idea! The total amount was $2000 US. Huge thanks to nestoria, and to all of nestoria's clients, for this Christmas gift. Nestoria, the property search engine, have been long-time supporters of OpenStreetMap, sponsoring the conferences and (as of recently) using OSM maps on all their sites.

We have fund-raising on our minds as we go into 2012. Significant sums of money often come in the form of funded projects, which present us with wonderful opportunities to get OpenStreetMap out there, but we also hope to raise more funds as with this donation, which give HOT some spending power in its own right, helping us to establish ourselves as an independent entity and allowing us to pursue our own goals more directly, perhaps even to fund our own deployments. Some announcements and more details of spending plans coming soon.