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Below is a short guide on editing content through Siteleaf, a content editing tool connected to Github. Content on Siteleaf is organized into two types: collections of content, and pages. The guide below outlines how to edit both types of content.

1. Editing collections: News Posts

One type of collection is blog posts, called News Posts.

When you click on a collection, you’ll be taken to a view that shows the content within that collection. So for News Posts, each document is a blog post.

Within each blog post, you have a number of views both of the content of the post, but also settings.

First view: Content editor

You can view in Markdown or Visual Editor mode.

Settings views: right side bar and metadata below the blog post.

On the right are options to Save, create tags and set the date of the post.

Below the post is extra metadata. For example, the feature image (large image at the top of the blog post) is a field for you to upload an image. You can also set the author.

2. Editing Pages: What We Do page

The What We Do page is an example of an individual page with content about what is HOT.

To edit the page:

Follow the format to edit the blocks of content.