Total Mappersⓘ Total number of Mappers using HOT Tasking Manager - as of May 2024
Total Map Editsⓘ Total number of edits mapped using HOT Tasking Manager - as of May 2024
Buildings Mappedⓘ Total number of buildings mapped using HOT Tasking Manager - as of May 2024
Roads Mapped (KM)ⓘ Total length of roads mapped using HOT Tasking Manager - as of May 2024

Mapatones Anuales Anticipatorios: Innovación y Colaboración para Cerrar Vacíos Cartográficos en Latinoamérica y el Caribe
Los Mapatones Nacionales Anuales Anticipatorios (MANA) son una estrategia innovadora para cerrar vacíos cartográficos en América Latina y el Caribe, fortaleciendo la prevención y gestión de riesgos. En 2024, los MANA impactaron en Ecuador, Perú, Colombia y Guatemala, demostrando el poder del mapeo abierto para construir comunidades más resilientes.

Anunciamos nuestra Campaña de Mapas Abiertos para Necesidades Humanitarias
Ante la posible disminución de información sobre contextos humanitarios en los próximos meses, y mientras la comunidad humanitaria encuentra el camino a seguir, estamos lanzando una campaña de 90 días de Mapas Abiertos para Necesidades Humanitarias.

Announcing our Open Maps for Humanitarian Needs Campaign
Anticipating a potential drop in information on humanitarian contexts in the coming months, and while humanitarians find a way forward, we are launching a 90 day campaign of Open Maps for Humanitarian Needs.
Our Impact
HOT's work is global in scale and contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our Monitoring and Evaluation framework is constantly evolving to ensure tangible and measurable impact. Check out our core impact areas and learn more about where we're making a difference.
Tools & Data
Access free, open source tools for community mapping. Export data from OpenStreetMap for humanitarian and development programs.
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Community & Events
Learn about the community and the latest events — especially about the Open Summit 2023, a decentralized, year-long program of 13 global, regional, and local conferences.
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Want to know more about ways you can partner with HOT? Start creating and supporting the #GlobalGoals with free, open map data through becoming a partner.
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