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Everton Bortolini

StaffCommunications and Community Specialist - Latin America and Caribbean Hub


Everton is Communications and Community Specialist for LATAM Alpha Hub at HOTOSM. He is a Cartographer and Surveyor Engineer graduated from the Federal University of Paraná (Brazil). He is currently a doctoral student in Geodetic Sciences at the same university. His research is about collaborative mapping in rural areas and slums. He is a member of Mapeadores Livres UFPR (YouthMappers chapter).

He has worked as a volunteer and mapper in organizations such as OpenStreetMap Brazil and TETO Brazil (TECHO). In the organizations he has been with, he is enthusiastic about open data/software and about collaborative and participatory mapping.


Canoa de Tolda no Fórum de Paz de Paris 2023

Canoa de Tolda e o LAC Open Mapping Hub estiveram no Fórum de Paz de Paris 2023. Saiba como foi nossa participação.

29 November, 2023

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