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Innovating for Good: Leveraging Open Source Tools to Improve WASH Programs

Letwin Pondo

29 August, 2023


Open geospatial data, tools, and platforms for humanitarian open mapping and disaster response should be used to improve Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) programs.

OpenStreetMap and municipal planning: a reality in Mexico

We tell you how the LAC Hub, in alliance with the Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development of Mexico, accompanied a group of municipalities to create geospatial open data under OpenStreetMap and thus be able to build thematic cartographies.

Celine Jacquin - 24 August, 2023


OpenStreetMap y la planeación municipal: una realidad en México

Les contamos como el Hub LAC, aliado con la Secretaría de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano de México acompañó a un grupo de municipios para crear datos abiertos geoespaciales bajo OpenStreetMap y así poder construir cartografías temáticas.

Celine Jacquin - 24 August, 2023


Mapping for El Niño 2023 Early Warning and Anticipatory Action

Join the ESA Hub, FAO, and mappers across Eastern and Southern Africa to prepare for upcoming El Niño rains.

David Luswata - 10 August, 2023

Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia

A partnership to complete the free map of Medellín, Colombia

The Open Mapping Hub of Latin America and the Caribbean partnered with the Center for Studies with Populations, Mobilizations and Territories (POMOTE) to train civil society organizations in Medellín, Colombia in open mapping.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 8 August, 2023


Una alianza para completar el mapa libre de Medellín

El Hub de mapeo abierto de América Latina y el Caribe se asoció con el Centro de estudios con poblaciones, movilizaciones y territorios (POMOTE) para capacitar en mapeo abierto a organizaciones de la sociedad civil de Medellín, Colombia.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 7 August, 2023


Mapping as a response to the disaster in Esmeraldas, Ecuador

The LAC Open Mapping Hub supported the response efforts to the disaster caused by the floods in Esmeraldas, Ecuador in coordination with the Ecuadorian Risk Management Secretariat.

Juan Melo Luna, Juan Arellano Valdivia - 25 July, 2023


El mapeo como respuesta al desastre en Esmeraldas, Ecuador

El Hub de Mapeo Abierto LAC apoyó en las labores de respuesta al desastre provocado por las inundaciones en Esmeraldas, Ecuador en coordinación con la Secretaria de Gestión de Riesgos de Ecuador.

Juan Melo Luna, Juan Arellano Valdivia - 25 July, 2023


RightsCon 2023: Looking for the intersection of human rights and maps

RightsCon, the global event that brings together activists and organizations working for human rights, took place last June, and the LAC Hub was present in search of maps and mappers!

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 13 July, 2023


RightsCon 2023: buscando la intersección de los derechos humanos y los mapas

El pasado junio se realizó la RightsCon, el evento global que reúne a activistas y organizaciones que trabajan por los derechos humanos, y el Hub LAC se hizo presente en busca de mapas y mapeadores!

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 13 July, 2023


Staff Spotlight Series: Duncan Kebut

Each quarter, we’re featuring one of our all-star staff members in a Staff Spotlight Series. Staff featured in this Series have been peer-nominated for their superb performance and values-driven work. This quarter, we’re spotlighting: Duncan Kebut, a Senior Mapping Supervisor at the ESA Hub.

11 July, 2023


HOT and CDEMA sign agreement to enhance disaster management in the Caribbean with collaborative mapping

HOT and CDEMA -the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency- have signed a collaboration agreement to strengthen CDEMA's geospatial technological capabilities. Learn the details.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 7 July, 2023


HOT et CDEMA signent un accord pour améliorer la gestion des catastrophes dans les Caraïbes grâce à la cartographie collaborative

HOT et CDEMA - l'Agence caribéenne de gestion des urgences en cas de catastrophe - ont signé un accord de collaboration pour renforcer les capacités technologiques géospatiales de CDEMA.Apprenez les détails.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 6 July, 2023


HOT y CDEMA firman acuerdo para potenciar la gestión de desastres en el Caribe con cartografía colaborativa

HOT y CDEMA -la Agencia Caribeña para el Manejo de Emergencias por Desastres- han firmado un convenio de colaboración para fortalecer las capacidades tecnológicas geoespaciales de CDEMA. Entérese de los detalles.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 6 July, 2023


URBE Latam Encontro Internacional

Neste Fevereiro, a URBE Latam promoveu o encontro da sua equipe internacional em Niterói, no Rio de Janeiro. A ideia central era trazer a equipe dos diferentes países em conjunto para trocar experiências, adquirir novos conhecimentos e refletir sobre os próximos passos na utilização dos dados produzidos e no seguimento do mapeamento.

Carla Habif, Sophie Mower - 2 July, 2023


URBE Latam International Meeting

In February, URBE Latam hosted the meeting of its international team in Niterói, Rio de janeiro. The main idea was to bring the team from different countries together to exchange experiences on the process of the mapping projects in Preventório and El Salvador, acquire new knowledge by dialoguing with community members and reflect upon next steps to use the data produced and keep mapping.

Carla Habif, Sophie Mower - 2 July, 2023
