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On behalf of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) Activation Working Group (AWG), we have a brief message and a request for volunteers to kick off 2025:

Throughout 2024, a major focus of our efforts was the research and drafting of updates to the AWG’s Terms of Reference (ToR). Last revised in 2019, the previous ToR reflected a time when the AWG often led disaster mapping efforts. However, with the emergence of regional Open Mapping Hubs and an increasing emphasis on empowering local organizations and communities to lead their own initiatives (with support from HOT and the AWG), the ToR required significant updates to align with this new model. You can review the updated Terms of Reference here.

One key outcome of these revisions is a shift away from the previous “Activator” role as the primary way to contribute to disaster mapping (though this need still exists). Instead, we’re now inviting individuals to join our roster for surge support, offering flexibility to contribute through a variety of skills and capacities. If you’re interested in helping shape this new support system, we encourage you to join our upcoming meetings. Details can be found on the Working Group calendar.

With this transition from formal Activator and Activation Lead roles, we’ve also introduced a new leadership structure for the AWG. As outlined in the ToR, each regional hub will have one representative, alongside 2–4 leads or co-leads who can be any volunteer from the community or staff. This leadership group of 6–8 members will facilitate meetings, submit proposals to the Board of Directors (such as future ToR revisions), and make decisions for the AWG when consensus cannot be reached. You can find more AWG information in the ToR on the OSM Wiki.

Currently, the AWG is facilitated by approximately 1.5 staff members, and our goal for 2025 is to recruit 1–2+ individuals into lead or co-lead positions. This is a great opportunity for Voting Members to engage in a blend of operational and governance activities, particularly if you are considering running for the Board. It’s also an excellent way for volunteers interested in becoming HOT Voting Members to contribute beyond mapping and get involved in leadership.

The best way to start is by joining our next meeting. Check the calendar linked above, which also includes schedules for other Working Groups you may want to explore. Additionally, you’re welcome to chat with us on HOT Slack in the #disaster-mapping channel.