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HOT OpenSummit 23-24

The HOT OpenSummit is excited to join:

State of the Map Latam 2024, Brazil: December 02-06, 2024

State of the Map 2024, Nairobi: September 06-08, 2024

State of the Map Malawi, Malawi: June 05-07, 2024

CBA18: local solutions inspiring global action, Tanzania: May 06-09, 2024

State of the Map Madagascar, Madagascar: April 29-30, 2024

Education and Empowerment: A Practical Way of Eliminating Female Genital Mutilation and Accelerating Gender Equality, Nigeria: March 30, 2024

Climate Justice Camp, Sint Maarten: March 28-30, 2024

Open Data Day, Multiple Locations: March 02-08, 2024

Pacific Islands GIS & Remote Sensing Users Conference, Suva, Fiji: November 27 - December 02, 2023

State of the Map Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: December 15 - 16, 2023

State of the Map Africa, Yaounde, Cameroon: November 31 - December 02, 2023

FOSS4G Asia, Seoul, Korea: November 28 - December 02, 2023

Pista ng Mapa, Tacloban City, Philippines: November 21-23, 2023

FOSS4G Thailand \+ SotM Asia, Bangkok, Thailand: November 16-18, 2023

GIS Day Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: November 15-16, 2023

OSM Kerala Annual Meet, Kozhikode, India: November 04-05, 2023

AbreLatam and ConDatos, Montevideo, Uruguay. October 31 - November 03, 2023

FOSS4G + SotM Oceania, Auckland, New Zealand: October 16-20, 2023

State of the Map Nigeria, Abuja, Nigeria: October 11-14, 2023

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of the HOT OpenSummit, click here for more information.

About HOT OpenSummit '23-24

About HOT OpenSummit '23-24

HOT’s OpenSummit ‘23-24 is ON!

Get ready for a year of global events that focus on collective action within the humanitarian open mapping community.

With the success of the unSummit, and with a little bit of rebranding, we are very excited to launch this year’s HOT OpenSummit ‘23-24 and open our call for collaborations so more communities and organizations around the world bring their events as part of this global movement.

A brief history of the OpenSummit

State of the Map 2022

A brief history of the OpenSummit

After years of gathering together in just one place for our annual conference, in 2022 we launched the HOT unSummit, a decentralized, year-long program of 13 global, regional, and local conferences worldwide, where each community brought together its own perspectives on open mapping, OpenStreetMap, humanitarian response, and social impact.

This year, the unSummit comes back as the OpenSummit!

Learn more about unSummit 2022

Ready to apply?

GeOnG 2022

Ready to apply?

The call for collaborations will remain open till 2024, and the selection of event collaborations will be made three times a year, with decisions taken in November 2023, March 2024 and July 2024.

Check out which type of event fits you better: Conference, 3rd Party Event or Community.

Submit your event here

Propose a Conference

State Of The Map Tanzania 2023

Propose a Conference

We encourage collaboration with local organizing committees (LOCs) for existing conferences that focus on open mapping or humanitarian/development work relevant to open mapping. These events should align closely with the criteria set for the HOT OpenSummit event collaborations. Priority will be given to conferences in HOT’s priority countries.

Examples of previous conferences include: State of the Map Asia, State of the Map Tanzania, and the Pacific Geospatial Conference.

Check the selection criteria here

Propose an Intervention in a 3rd Party Event

Teto Brasil Annual Gathering 2022

Propose an Intervention in a 3rd Party Event

We seek to support and collaborate with open mapping groups to bring open mapping to new or relevant audiences. This collaboration can take various forms, such as satellite events, content tracks, social events, etc. The goal is to promote open data awareness, advocacy, and collaborations/partnerships, particularly in non-traditional open mapping spaces and with map user audiences.

Examples of these from the past year include: The Teto Brasil annual gathering, Cidade em Foco (Brazil), Zimbabwe Institute of Geomatics Conference.

Check the selection criteria here

Propose a Community Event

GIRD+OSM Lima 2022

Propose a Community Event

We aim to support national or local open mapping communities coming together to share experiences, develop skills, build relationships, and, most importantly, to foster collaborative humanitarian open mapping activities. These community events do not need to be pre-existing and can be small-scale. Selection criteria for these events include their ability to provide value to the communities that HOT supports and their contribution to movement building.

Examples of such events from the past year include: Yekastreet series (Nicaragua) and ENEG (National Meeting of Geography Students (Mexico)

Check the selection criteria here

OpenSummit ‘23-24 Timeline