Disaster Services — 10 September, 2023
Libya Floods 2023

2023 Libya Floods Activation Stats:
Community Mappersⓘ Total number of Mappers from Missing Maps
Total Map Editsⓘ Total number of edits from Missing Maps
Buildings Mappedⓘ Total number of buildings mapped from Missing Maps
Roads Mapped (KM)ⓘ Total length of roads mapped from Missing Maps
This is an activation led by OSM Libya for the Libya Floods of 2023.
In response to the devastating impact of Storm Daniel in northeastern Libya, this project aims to provide crucial mapping support for disaster relief and recovery efforts in the affected areas. The storm, which made landfall on September 10, 2023, has caused widespread destruction, including heavy rainfall, flash floods, and significant damage to infrastructure and communities in several municipalities in the region. The affected municipalities include Albayda, Almarj, Al Owailia, Albayda, Benghazi, Derna, Shahhat, Sousa, Taknes, Talmeitha, Tobruk, and Toukra.
Event Name: 2023 Libya Floods
GDACS Alert Lvl: Red 2.5
Location: Derna, Libya
Geographic Scope: City
Estimated Humanitarian Impact: 5,300 people dead and 33,000 displaced
Estimated Duration: Weeks to Months
Event Scope: Moderate
Local Contacts: Other
Anticipated Needs: Basemap improvement, imagery request, documentation
Request(s): Basemap improvement
Need for Activation: Likely
Active Orgs: OSM Libya, UN Mappers, HOT
Lead Orgs: OSM Libya
Here is the mapping campaign: