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9 May 2024, 2024 Rio Grande do Sul Floods: This is an activation led by Lac Hub for the Brazil Floods of 2024., more

30 Oct 2023, Hurricane Otis 2023 Response: Activation led by HOT's Open Mapping Hub for Latin America and the Caribbean following the landfall of Hurricane Otis in Mexico in October 2023., more

7 Oct 2023, Afghanistan Earthquake 2023: Activation led by HOT's Asia Pacific Hub following a series of earthquakes in Afghanistan in October 2023., more

10 Sep 2023, Libya Floods 2023: This is an activation led by OSM Libya for the Libya Floods of 2023., more

9 Sep 2023, Morocco Earthquake 2023: Activation led by HOT's West and Northern Africa Hub following the magnitude 6.8 earthquake that shook Morocco on September 8-9, 2023., more

Full list of Events and Updates


Brazil: Floods - Jan 2024



Afghanistan Earthquake 2023



2023 Libya Floods



Morocco Earthquake 2023



South Sudan Floods 2022

South Sudan


More Data and Resources

About Disaster Response:

Location is critical to disaster response: first responders need fast, reliable information to reach affected areas post-disaster and prioritize aid. Through rapid response activations, the HOT community works together online using satellite and drone imagery to rapidly generate map data in OpenStreetMap. The resulting data is made available via the Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) and can be used to create printed maps, for analysis, or for navigation on the ground.

Activation Protocol
Events Timeline

9 May 2024

2024 Rio Grande do Sul Floods

This is an activation led by Lac Hub for the Brazil Floods of 2024.

and 5 other countries - Fl Flood

30 Oct 2023

Hurricane Otis 2023 Response

Activation led by HOT's Open Mapping Hub for Latin America and the Caribbean following the landfall of Hurricane Otis in Mexico in October 2023.

and 5 other countries - TC Tropical Cyclone

7 Oct 2023

Afghanistan Earthquake 2023

Activation led by HOT's Asia Pacific Hub following a series of earthquakes in Afghanistan in October 2023.

and 10 other countries - EQ Earthquake

Full list of Events and Disasters

Maps & Media

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