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Omran Najjar

StaffSenior Technical Product Owner- AI


Omran NAJJAR is the AI Product Owner in Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team with 15 year experience in software engineering, information systems, advanced data management and artificial intelligence. Omran holds a MSc in EEE, Computer Science, Turkey (2020) with research thesis and experimental application on Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) algorithms and a MSc in Data Analytics and Information Systems Management, Germany (2023) with research focus on spatial and temporal analysis on OSM - Nepal. Omran has been working in humanitarian and development context since 2014, specialised in monitoring and evaluation, Information and communication technology and AI for social good. Currently, Omran uses that experience to pursue justice, ethical and open source tech to amplify the connection between human[itarian] needs and open map data.


fAIr in Production is Available for Everyone

We are nearly halfway through 2024 and are excited to share some updates on HOT's AI-assisted mapping service (fAIr) - specifically the successful fAIr production release on 31 May 2024!

4 June, 2024

fAIr - what to expect in 2024!

Learn about the most recent updates on HOT’s AI-assisted mapping service (fAIr) and what to expect in 2024!

21 December, 2023

hot_tech_talk | fAIr: AI-assisted mapping

Here is all you need to know about HOT’s open AI-assisted mapping service: fAIr.

2 November, 2022

Project Contributions

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