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Petya Kangalova

StaffNetworks & Engagement Lead


Originally from Bulgaria, I am currently based in Bristol, UK. I am really passionate about the impact of open mapping and using technology as the enabler for people in supporting their communities. In this role, I hope to be able to successfully build a dynamic collective of open tech contributors from around the world!

I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and International Development from the University of Sussex and an MSc in Economics (Development) from the University of Bath, UK. I started my career working for the UK’s Economic and Social Science Research Council (ESRC), leading a portfolio of research programs in international development. I then transitioned into the world of open data and fell in love with it and especially the people and communities there! Over the past five years, I worked for the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) where I provided direct support to many developments and humanitarian organizations in publishing open data, managed various open tech products, and organized training and community workshops in Senegal, Nepal, and Tanzania.


HOT’s Outreachy journey

Follow Petya Kangalova, HOT's Networks and Engagement Lead, as she talks about the importance of mentorship in the open-source tech space and how our partnership with Outreachy promotes inclusivity.

19 March, 2024

fAIr - what to expect in 2024!

Learn about the most recent updates on HOT’s AI-assisted mapping service (fAIr) and what to expect in 2024!

21 December, 2023

HOT Tasking Manager - Welcome to NAXA

We are very excited to announce that we will be working with NAXA, who will provide software development support for the evolution of the HOT Tasking Manager.

10 October, 2023

Project Contributions

Not listed as coordinator on any projects. View all projects.

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