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Louise Mathurin Serieux

StaffVoting MemberSenior Associate Community Projects - Latin America and Caribbean Hub


Louise Mathurin-Serieux (MPhil., BSc.) joins HOT as Senior Associate of Community Projects (Caribbean). She is passionate about evidence-based policy-making, which fuels her advocacy for (open) data for development. She previously served as team lead for the Open Data for Resilience and Risk Management Initiative (OpenCities LAC) in Saint Lucia, which executed OpenStreetMap training and community-building activities. As a former Research Officer and Open Data Central team-Lead in the public sector, she has also worked on multiple initiatives ranging from stakeholder engagement for readiness assessments, policy development, and reporting; to leading open data portal and OpenStreetMap training, implementation, and advocacy events.

When she is not hiking in Saint Lucia’s rainforest, she volunteers as a member of the OpenStreetMap Chapter in Saint Lucia; and serves as a voting member of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT).


Examiner le potentiel et l'état de la communauté OSM en Haïti

Explorez le potentiel et l'état actuel de la communauté OpenStreetMap (OSM) en Haïti à travers ce rapport de 2024. Il met en lumière l'évolution des communautés OSM en Haïti et les défis significatifs auxquels elles sont confrontées. Les recommandations pour la durabilité soulignent la nécessité de partenariats solides et de conférences annuelles pour soutenir l'action humanitaire et la réponse aux crises en utilisant des données géospatiales ouvertes.

20 May, 2024

Examining the Potential and State of the OSM Community in Haiti

Explore the potential and current state of the OpenStreetMap (OSM) Community in Haiti through this 2024 report. It highlights the evolution of OSM communities in Haiti and the significant challenges they face. Recommendations for sustainability emphasize the need for strong partnerships and annual conferences to support humanitarian action and crisis response using open geospatial data.

20 May, 2024

Building Community to Build Resilience - OpenCities Saint Lucia Impact

The island of Saint Lucia faces growing challenges due to climate change and, working with our local partners, we experienced first-hand how strengthening the community builds greater resilience. Get more details in this post!

7 December, 2023

Is the Caribbean Open Mapping Community Poised to Map its Way to Greater Disaster Resilience?

The open-mapping community has proven to be of great importance to the Caribbean particularly in supporting disaster response. We take a closer look at the latest developments regarding the growth of the Caribbean mapping community and what this could mean for disaster resilience in the region.

30 August, 2023

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