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Mariana Marín

StaffSenior Communications Strategist - Latin America and Caribbean Hub


Mar is the Senior Communications Strategist at HOT’s Latin America and the Caribbean Hub, bringing with her over 6 years of experience in regional and global communication.

A digital activist hailing from the central region of México, Querétaro, Mar’s professional journey has seen her navigate the fields of the public and private sectors, academia, and civil society. She has spearheaded social projects encompassing civic technology, peace culture, education, citizen participation, gender equality, and cybersecurity. Notable collaborations include Code for All, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and the Mozilla Festival.

Equipped with a BA in International Relations, Mar boasts two minors in Peace and Conflict Studies (Tec de Monterrey) and Feminist Communications (Claustro de Sor Juana University), offering a comprehensive foundation to complement her hands-on expertise.

Beyond her professional pursuits, Mar finds solace in nature, considering hiking and communing with trees as therapeutic. She is also engaged in the art of getting lost in every city she visits, discovering new corners, and unravelling untold stories hidden within the ordinary.


Coordenação e Ação: A Articulação da Resposta de Mapeamento Humanitário após o Furacão Otis

Após o furacão Otis em outubro de 2023, o Hub LAC liderou um mapeamento digital humanitário em Acapulco, identificando estruturas danificadas e necessidades prioritárias em colaboração com a comunidade nacional e organizações internacionais, destacando a importância da cartografia participativa e estabelecendo bases para futuras ações de mitigação por meio da colaboração interinstitucional na construção de resiliência comunitária.

26 March, 2024

Coordination and Action: The Articulation of Humanitarian Mapping Response after Hurricane Otis

After Hurricane Otis in October 2023, the Hub LAC led a digital humanitarian mapping effort in Acapulco, identifying damaged structures and priority needs in collaboration with the national community and international organizations, highlighting the importance of participatory mapping and laying the groundwork for future mitigation actions through interinstitutional collaboration in building community resilience.

25 March, 2024

Coordinación y Acción: La Articulación de la Respuesta de Mapeo Humanitario tras el Huracán Otis

Tras el huracán Otis en octubre de 2023, el Hub LAC lideró un mapeo digital humanitario en Acapulco, identificando estructuras dañadas y necesidades prioritarias en colaboración con la comunidad nacional y organizaciones internacionales, resaltando la importancia de la cartografía participativa y sentando bases para futuras acciones de mitigación mediante la colaboración interinstitucional en la construcción de resiliencia comunitaria.

21 March, 2024

Catalyzing Women in Disaster Response: Insights from Women Mappers in the Caribbean

Discover how women mappers in the Caribbean are leading the charge in disaster response through open mapping. Gain valuable insights from their experiences and expertise as they inspire and catalyze their communities in small island developing states. Explore the transformative impact of women-led projects shaping a stronger, more resilient future in this insightful blog.

5 March, 2024

Young People Tracing Resilience in San Antonio de Prado, Colombia

Discover the impactful volunteer work of Ana Restrepo and a group of young people in San Antonio de Prado, Colombia. Their focus on collaborative mapping not only identifies areas of risk but also promotes citizen participation and demonstrates how youth and mapping tools can drive significant social change.

26 February, 2024

Jóvenes Trazando Resiliencia en San Antonio de Prado, Colombia

Descubre el impactante trabajo voluntario de Ana Restrepo y un grupo de jóvenes en San Antonio de Prado, Colombia. Su enfoque en el mapeo colaborativo no solo identifica áreas de riesgo, sino que también fomenta la participación ciudadana y demuestra cómo la juventud y las herramientas de mapeo pueden impulsar un cambio social significativo.

26 February, 2024

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