Tasauf A Baki Billah (Ribin)
Ribin is currently the Monitoring & Coordination Lead at Bangladesh Open Innovation Lab (BOIL) and the Director of the OpenStreetMap Bangladesh Foundation (OSMBDF). He began his career as a Computer Engineer and started working in the humanitarian field over 5 years ago. Besides working with Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) in the past, he has also been an active part of the humanitarian movement by volunteering with UN Volunteers, HOT, SBTF(Standby Task Force), Crisis Mappers & Mapillary. His history with HOT began with fellow and former Board Members Pete Masters & Jorieke Vyncke visiting Bangladesh to map Kamrangirchar and Hazaribagh areas as a part of Missing Maps project. From then, he started helping others by building a strong OSM community. During this period, he actively got involved with the local field mapping projects in various parts of Bangladesh as a part of the projects by Save the Children, Y Care, American Red Cross, Asia Foundation, World Bank & the Asian Development Bank. He believes local OSM groups have the capacity to catalyze the development and growth of OSM around the world.
Colonialism in Open Data and Mapping
The Humanitarian Mapping Community Working Group organized the webinar “Colonialism in Open Data and Mapping” to examine the influence of colonialism on how the...