Tsongo Muluba Bienvenue
Voting MemberVoting Membership Chairperson
I’m a Geometer-Topographer engineer, I’m also a cartographer. I have worked on many mapping projects with OSM RDC in the health sector. I’ve also promoted HOT throughout my career as a cartographer to many social class groups. My real involvement in HOT started during the EBOLA pandemic that hit the city of Butembo where I live in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2018. Being a cartographer, collecting spatial data for health facilities was difficult due to a lack of open source tools to use for this urgent activity. That’s when a friend told me about OSM and collection tools like OsmAnd and OsmTracker. Very excited, I trained a lot of health workers on data collection and thus passed on this knowledge to many young people in my region and contributed to the end of the EBOLA virus disease epidemic.
Programme de mentorat cartographie collaborative
La communauté OpenStreetMap, une communauté de communautés, est composée de nombreux cartographes et autres contributeurs répartis dans les communautés locales du monde entier. Le programme de mentorat du groupe de travail de la communauté OpenStreetMap peut aider à combler les écarts de compétences entre les communautés.
Open Mapping Community Mentorship
The OpenStreetMap community, a community of communities, is made up of many mappers and other contributors spread out across local communities around the world. The Open Mapping Community Working Group Mentorship Program can help to close skill gaps in capability between communities.