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Our End-to-End Mapping Solution: Training the Balinese Disaster Response Team in Karangasem

Leen D'hondt

23 April, 2024


HOT envisions an ecosystem of open mapping technology that enables everyone, and in particular vulnerable communities, to make the right open map data available in order to use that to make a positive impact on people’s lives.

Climate Mapping Campaign: Help map Eastern & Southern Africa to fight climate change!

The devastating impacts of climate change, from intense cyclones to prolonged droughts, are threatening the lives and livelihoods of millions in Eastern and Southern Africa. At HOT's Open Mapping Hub (OMH-ESA), we are dedicated to advancing open mapping solutions for community development and social impact.

Wilson Munyaradzi, Pauline Omagwa - 16 April, 2024

Mozambique, Zambia, Kenya

HOT's statement on the one-year anniversary of the war in Sudan

Today marks the one-year anniversary of the start of the war in Sudan. The conflict has resulted in more than 14,000 lost lives, 8...

15 April, 2024


Coordenação e Ação: A Articulação da Resposta de Mapeamento Humanitário após o Furacão Otis

Após o furacão Otis em outubro de 2023, o Hub LAC liderou um mapeamento digital humanitário em Acapulco, identificando estruturas danificadas e necessidades prioritárias em colaboração com a comunidade nacional e organizações internacionais, destacando a importância da cartografia participativa e estabelecendo bases para futuras ações de mitigação por meio da colaboração interinstitucional na construção de resiliência comunitária.

Céline Jacquin, Mariana Marín - 26 March, 2024


Coordination and Action: The Articulation of Humanitarian Mapping Response after Hurricane Otis

After Hurricane Otis in October 2023, the Hub LAC led a digital humanitarian mapping effort in Acapulco, identifying damaged structures and priority needs in collaboration with the national community and international organizations, highlighting the importance of participatory mapping and laying the groundwork for future mitigation actions through interinstitutional collaboration in building community resilience.

Céline Jacquin, Mariana Marín - 25 March, 2024


Coordinación y Acción: La Articulación de la Respuesta de Mapeo Humanitario tras el Huracán Otis

Tras el huracán Otis en octubre de 2023, el Hub LAC lideró un mapeo digital humanitario en Acapulco, identificando estructuras dañadas y necesidades prioritarias en colaboración con la comunidad nacional y organizaciones internacionales, resaltando la importancia de la cartografía participativa y sentando bases para futuras acciones de mitigación mediante la colaboración interinstitucional en la construcción de resiliencia comunitaria.

Céline Jacquin, Mariana Marín - 21 March, 2024


HOT OpenSummit 23-24 - Mid-Programme Update

The HOT OpenSummit is a creative programme of global event collaborations that leverages experience, passion, and connection to drive strong networks and collective action across the humanitarian open mapping movement. It was launched on August 31, 2023, with a virtual event that built upon the success of the HOT unSummit.

19 March, 2024


HOT’s Outreachy journey

Follow Petya Kangalova, HOT's Networks and Engagement Lead, as she talks about the importance of mentorship in the open-source tech space and how our partnership with Outreachy promotes inclusivity.

Petya Kangalova - 19 March, 2024


Field Mapping Tasking Manager (FMTM)

Collaboration and communication among key players are critical to a successful field mapping campaign and data collection effort. Leveraging the right tools, such as the Field Mapping Tasking Manager (FMTM), can significantly enhance coordination and streamline communication among team members, improving field survey efforts and making them more efficient and accurate.

Ivan Buendía Gayton - 19 March, 2024


Staff Spotlight Series: Honey Fombuena

Each quarter, we’re featuring one of our all-star staff members in a Staff Spotlight Series. Staff featured in this Series have been peer-nominated for their superb performance and values-driven work. This quarter, we’re spotlighting Honey Fombuena, our Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analyst for the Asia Pacific Open Mapping Hub.

Dana Gallaty - 11 March, 2024


Mapping Our Community: Paula dos Santos Silva's Journey in the Amazon

Explore Paula dos Santos Silva's incredible journey in the Amazon, where she immerses herself in her passion for geography and dedicates herself to mapping the dynamics of riverside communities. From her academic trajectory in Tefé to her current research on 'fallen lands,' Paula shares her experience and highlights the importance of mapping to reveal the roots and traditions of these communities, ensuring their visibility and recognition.

Marina Aragão Santos - 7 March, 2024


Mapeando nuestra comunidad: el viaje de Paula dos Santos Silva en la Amazonía

Explora la increíble jornada de Paula dos Santos Silva en la Amazonía, donde se sumerge en su pasión por la geografía y se dedica a mapear las dinámicas de las comunidades ribereñas. Desde su trayectoria académica en Tefé hasta su actual trabajo de investigación sobre las "terras caídas", Paula comparte su experiencia y resalta la importancia del mapeo para revelar las raíces y tradiciones de estas comunidades, asegurando su visibilidad y reconocimiento.

Marina Aragão Santos - 7 March, 2024


Mapeando Nossa Comunidade: A Jornada de Paula dos Santos Silva na Amazônia

Descubra a incrível jornada de Paula dos Santos Silva na Amazônia, onde ela mergulha na paixão pela geografia e se dedica a mapear as dinâmicas das comunidades ribeirinhas. Desde sua trajetória acadêmica em Tefé até seu trabalho atual de pesquisa sobre as "terras caídas", Paula compartilha sua experiência e destaca a importância do mapeamento para revelar as raízes e tradições dessas comunidades, garantindo sua visibilidade e reconhecimento.

Marina Aragão Santos - 7 March, 2024


Catalyzing Women in Disaster Response: Insights from Women Mappers in the Caribbean

Discover how women mappers in the Caribbean are leading the charge in disaster response through open mapping. Gain valuable insights from their experiences and expertise as they inspire and catalyze their communities in small island developing states. Explore the transformative impact of women-led projects shaping a stronger, more resilient future in this insightful blog.

Mariana Marín - 5 March, 2024

Trinidad and Tobago and 4 other countries

HOT Export Tool: try out the new features!

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is more than the basemap you see on or in other geospatial services. The database behind the map is full of crowdsourced spatial data with systemized tagging that translates into attributes in GIS systems. For data analysts and cartographers who want to access datasets from OSM for use in QGIS or other similar applications, HOT’s export tool just got much more helpful!

Kshitij Sharma - 27 February, 2024


¡Prueba las nuevas funciones de la Herramienta de Exportación de HOT!

OpenStreetMap (OSM) es más que el mapa base que ves en u otros servicios geoespaciales. La base de datos detrás del mapa está llena de datos espaciales de colaboración abierta con etiquetado sistematizado que se traduce en atributos en los sistemas GIS. Para los analistas de datos y cartógrafos que desean acceder a conjuntos de datos de OSM para usarlos en QGIS u otras aplicaciones similares, ¡la herramienta de exportación de HOT ahora es mucho más útil!

Kshitij Sharma - 27 February, 2024
