Blake Girardot
Blake Girardot is an open source software and open data enthusiast with a special love for humanitarian and crisis mapping. He served HOT in several positions: first, as President of the Board of Directors and then as project lead for HOT's Tasking Manager version 3 software development. He spends his days organizing and supporting crowd based collaborative mapping projects around the world and promoting the use of open source mapping tools and open geo data.
Mapping in Mozambique to Help Reduce Child Mortality
Mozambique is a country of 25 million people on the east coast of Africa, often beset by natural disasters ranging from severe drought to...
Taller de Mapeo Humanitario – Isla de León, Colombia
Para celebrar el Open Data Day, se organizó por parte de TECHO,la Universidad de San Buenaventura (seccional de Cartagena) y con el apoyo de...