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Using OpenStreetMap Data to Support Emergency Ambulance Response Service and Mapping of COVID-19 Amenities in Northeast Nigeria (by Humanitarian Mappers)

29 December, 2020


Humanitarian Mappers of Nigeria is using collaborative mapping to track Covid and improve ambulance services in a region already facing insecurity and conflict.

Population Counts: Aiming humanitarian mappers at populated areas with Disaster Ninja (by Kontur)

Correlating OpenStreetMap data with population density helps activate disaster mapping solely where it has humanitarian impact.

Kontur - 28 December, 2020


Community Impact Program (by Yer Çizenler)

Yer Çizenler is adding Turkish language support to OpenStreetMap related tools, translating existing OpenStreetMap documents into Turkish and expanding the infrastructure of Yer Çizenler’s volunteer base while considering gender equality and community diversity.

Oğuzhan Er, Sophie Mower - 23 December, 2020


Activity Summary of PDC Indonesia 2020

We are very close to the end of 2020. Pacific Disaster Center (PDC) Indonesia has many magnificent stories to share and activities that we have accomplished in 2020. We have categorized our activities into three different categories: Capacity Development, COVID-19 Response, Community Engagement.

Adhitya Dido Widyanto - 22 December, 2020


Crowdmapping in the Midst of a Pandemic (by Map Kibera)

Map Kibera shares their experience crowdmapping during the Covid-19 pandemic to create public health data in Kenya.

Peter Agenga, Sophie Mower - 21 December, 2020


The PhilAWARE Project: A Year-End Report

This year, remote mapping for Quezon City and the Province of Pampanga were completed, and a new pilot area, Marikina City, was added. Furthermore, field data collection has progressed well in Pampanga despite the pandemic.

Feye Andal, Jikka Defiño - 20 December, 2020


Indonesia’s Mapping Design Competition: LOKAVISTA

From September to November 2020, HOT Indonesia organized a mapping design competition called LOKAVISTA for university students across the nation. Our mission was simple: to increase the public awareness that OpenStreetMap data can be utilized for many purposes and different aspects of life.

Adhitya Dido Widyanto - 18 December, 2020


Equipping University Students with Digital Geospatial Skills: More than 10,000 Flood Data Points Mapped in Eight Weeks

Ramani Huria has been training students in Dar es Salaam and equipping them with industrial and technical skills for the 21st Century while generating vital high-precision, low-cost data for flood prediction and preparedness.

Hawa Adinani - 5 November, 2020


Philippines Celebrates International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction with Field Narratives

In celebration of IDDRR, HOT Philippines shares more of the fieldwork they are conducting in Pampanga — including coordinating with LGUs, training volunteers, and collecting field data.

Jikka Defiño - 23 October, 2020


Community Mapping for Urban Risk in Mwanza, Tanzania

Spatial Collective, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, and OpenMap Development Tanzania extend their engagement to Mwanza

Hawa Adinani, Primoz Kovacic - 22 October, 2020


Five OpenStreetMap Communities Receive Facebook Community Impact Microgrants

Five OSM communities, spread across the Philippines, Turkey, Uganda, Kenya, and Zambia, have received Facebook Community Impact Microgrants to support community engagement and training.

Sophie Mower - 20 October, 2020

Kenya and 4 other countries

Using Low-Cost Equipment to Gather High Precision Data for Flood Modeling

In collaboration with Deltares and with funding from GIZ, OMDTZ was able to collect accurate and precise river cross-section surveys using an innovative, low-cost technique developed by the Resilience Academy and OMDTZ.

Hawa Adinani - 8 October, 2020


Supporting Istanbul’s Open Data Efforts

BİMTAŞ A.Ş. and HOT partner Yer Çizenler are working together to put the Istanbul Planning Agency campus on OpenStreetMap.

Can Unen - 28 September, 2020


Philippines Completes Remote Mapping and Validation for Pampanga

On September 21, 2020, the Philippine mapping team finished remote mapping and validation for the whole of Pampanga.

Jikka Defiño - 25 September, 2020


Supporting Coronavirus Response Through Mapping in Liberia (by iLab Liberia)

In May 2020, iLab Liberia was awarded a microgrant as part of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team’s (HOT) Rapid Response Microgrant: COVID-19 Program. Here’s iLab’s community blogpost detailing their project.

Carter Draper, Sophie Mower - 24 September, 2020


The State of OpenStreetMap in Africa

In the run-up to the 2020 State of the Map conference, OSM Africa surveyed OpenStreetMap community leaders across the continent. Geoffrey Kateregga looks at the results and offers a deep dive into the state and trajectory of OpenStreetMap communities in Africa.

Geoffrey Kateregga - 26 August, 2020
