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Canoa de Tolda no Fórum de Paz de Paris 2023

29 November, 2023


Canoa de Tolda e o LAC Open Mapping Hub estiveram no Fórum de Paz de Paris 2023. Saiba como foi nossa participação.

Canoa de Tolda en el Foro de París sobre la Paz 2023

Canoa de Tolda y el Hub de Mapeo Abierto LAC estuvieron en el Foro de París sobre la Paz 2023. Entérate de como fue nuestra participación.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 29 November, 2023


El mapeo abierto se hará presente en el AbreLatam 2023

¡Participaremos de AbreLatam/ConDatos 2023! El evento regional sobre datos abiertos y gobierno abierto donde se reúnen las organizaciones e individuos que impulsan estos temas.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 26 October, 2023


Participatory waste mapping: a continuing effort for sustainable development

Mapping waste in your neighborhood can be a simple activity that is both useful and beneficial for our urban environment.Let's see how various teams of mappers in Latin America and the Caribbean have been doing it.

Céline Jacquin, Juan Arellano Valdivia - 13 October, 2023


Mapeo participativo de desechos: un esfuerzo continuo para el desarrollo sostenible

Mapear los desechos en tu barrio puede ser una actividad simple a la vez que útil y beneficiosa para nuestro entorno urbano. Veamos como diversos equipos de mapeadores en América Latina y el Caribe lo han estado haciendo.

Céline Jacquin, Juan Arellano Valdivia - 12 October, 2023


HOT Tasking Manager - Welcome to NAXA

We are very excited to announce that we will be working with NAXA, who will provide software development support for the evolution of the HOT Tasking Manager.

Petya Kangalova, Ramya Ragupathy - 10 October, 2023


From reaction to prevention: Risk mapping in Ecuador

With an El Niño Phenomenon developing for 2023-2024, preventive disaster mapping becomes a crucial tool to minimize damage and victims in the territories. And that is what we are doing in Ecuador together with the Risk Secretariat.

Céline Jacquin - 28 September, 2023


De la reacción a la prevención: Mapeo de riesgos en Ecuador

Con un Fenómeno del Niño en desarrollo para este 2023-2024, el mapeo preventivo de desastres se vuelve una herramienta crucial para minimizar daños y victimas en los territorios. Y eso es lo que estamos haciendo en Ecuador junto a la Secretaría de Riesgos.

Céline Jacquin - 28 September, 2023


Nuestro Informe de Impacto 2022 - 2023 ¡Ahora en español!

¡Con mucha emoción queremos compartirles que nuestro Informe de Impacto 2022-2023 ahora está disponible en español!

27 September, 2023


Unlocking Knowledge and Collaboration: The Open Data Talks Initiative

In the second quarter of 2023, HOT’s Open Mapping Hub - Eastern & Southern Africa (OMH-ESA), in collaboration with open data champions and organizations in Kenya, held a series of talks under the Open Data Talks (ODT) program. This blog post delves into the key findings, challenges, outcomes, successes, and recommendations stemming from the ODT events.

Osunga Michael Otieno - 26 September, 2023


Staff Spotlight Series: Mikko Tamura

Each quarter, we’re featuring one of our all-star staff members in a Staff Spotlight Series. Staff featured in this Series have been peer-nominated for their superb performance and values-driven work. This quarter, we’re spotlighting Mikko Tamura, Community Manager at the Asia-Pacific (AP) Hub.

Dana Gallaty - 20 September, 2023


Update on disaster response activations for Morocco and Libya

Discover how the OSM community and other partners are responding to the devastating events in Morocco and Libya, how you can contribute, and where relief organizations can find data to support their efforts.

Pete Masters - 20 September, 2023


Hub-LAC series of humanitarian and cartographic talks

The Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Open Mapping Hub has organized a series of monthly talks that show the contribution that open and collaborative mapping can make to humanitarian work and sustainable development.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 18 September, 2023


Ciclo de charlas humanitarias y cartográficas del Hub-LAC

El Hub de mapeo abierto de América Latina y el Caribe (LAC) ha organizado un ciclo de charlas mensuales que muestren el aporte que el mapeo abierto y colaborativo puede hacer al trabajo humanitario y al desarrollo sustentable.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 18 September, 2023


Embracing a supportive community: my journey as an intern at HOT

Follow Benedicta Ohene's journey as an intern for the Community Team at HOT and the lessons she learned during her time in the team.

Benedicta Banful Ohene-Amadi - 18 September, 2023


Open Mapping for Disaster Preparedness: A Pilot Study in Zimbabwe

The Anticipatory Response Program (ARP), recently piloted in Zimbabwe, incorporates open mapping tools and workflows into disaster response and resilience efforts to move from a reactive to a proactive approach.

Wilson Munyaradzi - 30 August, 2023
