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Notas desde el terreno: el Equipo Humanitario de OpenStreetMap

Fabrizio Scrollini

27 April, 2023


Fabrizio Scrollini, el nuevo Director del Hub de Mapeo Abierto para América Latina y el Caribe comparte sus impresiones de los primeros días de trabajo con el equipo del Hub, lo realizado y lo que está por venir.

HOT and TETO: building emergency solutions to improve people’s lives

How a partnership in a local event in Brazil led HOT and TETO to work together towards building concrete emergency solutions to improve the living conditions of communities in situations of precarity and poverty.

Carla Habif, Alessandra Figueiredo - 24 April, 2023


Mentoría entre pares: compartir técnicas e inspiración

El Grupo de Trabajo de la Comunidad de Mapeo Abierto actualmente está organizando la segunda ronda de su programa de mentoría entre pares. Lee sobre los aprendizajes compartidos por los miembros de la primera ronda y descubre el valor de esta oportunidad para los miembros de la comunidad de mapeo abierto.

Antonin Haas, Anuradha Rajanayake, Laxmi N Goparaju, Chisom Okwuchi, Charles Chilufya - 15 April, 2023


Peer Mentorship - Sharing Techniques and Inspirations

The Open Mapping Community Working Group is currently organizing the second round of its peer-to-peer mentorship program. To appreciate the value of this opportunity for members of the open mapping community, take a moment to read about the shared learnings of members of the first round.

Antonin Haas, Anuradha Rajanayake, Laxmi N Goparaju, Chisom Okwuchi, Charles Chilufya - 14 April, 2023


Las necesidades de datos cambian a lo largo del ciclo de vida de la gestión de desastres

Ya ha pasado dos meses desde que el primer terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacudió Turquía y Siria el lunes 6 de febrero. Aunque se trata de una emergencia en curso con grandes necesidades humanitarias, ahora estamos pasando a una fase de apoyo continuo a las comunidades afectadas y el inicio de los esfuerzos de reconstrucción donde sea factible hacerlo. A medida que cambia la fase de la respuesta a desastres, también cambian las necesidades de datos y los requisitos de datos y calidad.

Paul Uithol, Jessica Pechmann - 27 March, 2023


Changing Data Needs Through the Disaster Management Lifecycle

We’re now about a month and a half after the initial 7.7 magnitude earthquake hit Turkey and Syria on Monday, 6 February. Even though it is an ongoing emergency with vast humanitarian needs, we are now moving into a phase of continuing support to the affected communities and the start of rebuilding and reconstruction efforts where it is feasible to do. As the phase of disaster response changes, so do the data needs and data and quality requirements.

Paul Uithol, Jessica Pechmann, - 27 March, 2023


OpenStreetMap y las cartografías oficiales

**¿Se puede integrar OpenStreetMap al trabajo de los Institutos Geográficos Nacionales? **Esta es una pregunta que ronda el imaginario del mapeo abierto desde hace mucho y aquí te contamos como se está respondiendo.

Celine Jacquin - 24 March, 2023


Data Quality Intern Applies Skills in the Turkey and Syria Earthquake Response

"My experience in the HOT Data Quality Internship program allowed me to contribute more effectively to the activation."

Eray Öztürk, Rebecca Chandiru - 21 March, 2023

Turkey, Syria

HOT's Approach to OSM Data Validation for Earthquake Response Mapping

Because OpenStreetMap is a crowd-sourcing project where everyone can freely contribute to the map, the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team has devised measures to support high-quality crowd-sourced OSM data. We have a four step validation process to ensure that the data created for emergencies like the current Turkey and Syria earthquake response is fit for use.

Samson Ngumenawe - 17 March, 2023

Turkey, Syria

Using OSM Data in the Turkey and Syria Earthquake Response

In the aftermath of the Syria-Turkey earthquake, OSM is allowing responders to quickly access up-to-date maps and geospatial data to aid in search and rescue efforts, access and contextualize damage assessments, and plan relief and recovery efforts. Here are the data sets available for response organizations and examples of how they are being used.

Jessica Pechmann, Claudio de los Reyes - 17 March, 2023

Turkey, Syria

Women, maps and data: a conversation for International Women's Day

A group of brilliant Latin American women expose us to various projects and tell us about various experiences in the use of maps and data, and also about their absence.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 10 March, 2023


Mujeres, mapas y datos: un conversatorio por el Día Internacional de la Mujer

Un grupo de brillantes mujeres latinoamericanas nos expone diversos proyectos y nos cuentan variadas experiencias en el uso de mapas y datos, y también sobre su ausencia.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 10 March, 2023


Turkey And Syria Response: A Month After The Earthquake

The mapping response to the Turkey and Syria earthquake has shown the power of OSM data to support disaster response.

Pete Masters, Claudio de los Reyes - 9 March, 2023

Syria, Turkey

Beyond the Map Fund Program

Through the program, organizations will be able to work closely with the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) hub team to improve access to open data sets, build partnerships with organizations and experts, and receive technical assistance, and support training.

1 March, 2023


HOT Data Quality Updates for March 2023

To support organizations that use OpenStreetMap data for disaster response, the HOT Data Team is strengthening our data quality and fitness measures.

Samson Ngumenawe - 28 February, 2023


Volunteerism in the 21st Century: The way to go

A panel discussion with panelists Sabrina Szeto, Juan Arellano and Laura Mugeha, moderated by Laxmi Goparaju

Benedicta Ohene - 2 February, 2023
