OSM Sri Lanka Community and impact of HOT Micro Grants for the continuation to contribute to develop open geo-spatial data.
Since May 2018, the HOT Microgrants program has supported the OSM Sri Lanka Community to conduct a series of workshops and training programs throughout the country, including underdeveloped rural areas, Universities, and Local Authorities.
GeoChicas: Mapping the path of women after the earthquake in Oaxaca
The earthquakes that occurred in September 2017 in Mexico affected different areas of the country, including Mexico City, Chiapas and the State of Oaxaca.
HOT Summit at FOSS4G 2018- Combining Communities in Dar es Salaam
This year’s HOT Summit was unique for many reasons, it was the first held in Africa and the first to be integrated into and...
Ripples of HOT Micro Grant's Impact on UniqueMappersTeam Community
Taking off from 12th June,2017,as UniqueMappersTeam and a Local community of OpenStreetMap in Nigeria, I looked forward to some support to empower and sustain...
OSM Benin: growing local mapping with a HOT Microgrant
Guest blog - Luc Kpogbe, OSM Benin
Exploring the possibilities of mapping and identity in Cusco, Peru
Using a Nethope Device Grant to empower young people in Peru
Mapping HIV/AIDS in Tanzania: Using community-generated data to improve health services
Mapping HIV/AIDS in Tanzania
OSM DRC - supporting the Ebola response
On the 8th May 2018, the Ministry of Health announced the 9th Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. According to the...
Data Collection Training in Bamako, Mali
Data collection training in Bamako, Mali
Bringing together West African OSM communities: OSM & GIS workshops in Lomé, Togo
OSM & GIS worshops in Togo in May 2018
Open Cities Africa Kicks off in Kampala
The latest installment of the Open Cities project, Open Cities Africa, from the World Bank kicked off last week in Kampala. We were there...
Growing OSM Zambia through the Nethope Device Challenge Grant
Guest blog: Trudy Hope, OSM Zambia lead
UniqueMappersTeam Collaboration with Transparent Earth Nigeria Ltd.
Guest blog - Valerie Odeam Osuamkpe (Ag.Team Secretary General,UMT) and Victor N.Sunday (Team Coordinator)
Map Completeness Estimation and Experimental Analytics for Health
Over the last couple of years, HOT has been working with partners like the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) and the Botswana Ministry of...