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In Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), we face disasters caused by natural hazards, along with many other challenges to our environment and sustainable development, within the framework of diversity and pronounced inequality. The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) aims to be a positive catalyst in this situation to make sure the power of open geographic data is fully leveraged in supporting data-driven public policies that foster inclusive, sustainable, and transparent societies. At the core of our approach is the active promotion and utilization of social impact mapping practices, ensuring that our efforts contribute to a shared and meaningful development.

The LAC Hub was established in 2023 with the intention to locate actions advancing social impact mapping practices among diverse groups. Our firm belief is that social impact mapping can be a catalyst for social and economic change in the LAC region. We focus on actively involving communities in collaborative mapping efforts, granting everyone the opportunity to access and contribute to the map. Our emphasis lies in embedding a culture that cultivates a participatory approach that permeates our collaborative work ethic.

We are committed to prioritizing three critical components:

  1. Natural Hazard Resilience: Leveraging OpenStreetMap (OSM) and open mapping tools, we strengthen resilient communities to take proactive measures in preventing and responding to disasters caused by the impacts of climate change.

  2. Inclusive Mapping: Prioritizing the voice and engagement of underrepresented and vulnerable communities on the map, ensuring their political, economic, socio-cultural, environmental rights are respected and promoted.

  3. Enhancing Local Leadership: Encouraging local communities to actively engage in developing and innovating OSM and other initiatives is enabling them as agents of change. This involvement facilitates tailored solutions to address their unique challenges, extending beyond OSM to enhance capabilities and strategic vision for data creation and usage.

In line with this vision, our programs for the upcoming year will bring it to life:

LAC Humanitarian Programme

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Reliably responding to and enhancing preparedness for every relevant disaster incident in the region, our efforts aim to assist local actors in cultivating a culture of risk awareness through the use of open cartographic data.

  1. Canoa de Tolda

  2. Activation in Ecuador

  3. The Ecuador Mapathon

  4. Mapping Response in Acapulco

  5. Rio Grande do Sul Response

  6. Humanitarian Mapping Brigade

  7. Open Litter Mapping

  8. The Project Factory

  9. UnAula: Mapping of Populations, Mobilizations and Territories.

Amazonia Program

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Leading grassroots monitoring and fostering interactions among populations with the Amazonia, we focus on various aspects, including environmental preservation, social vulnerability risks, and rights. A particular emphasis is placed on collaborative work with indigenous groups to enable effective territory management through the utilization of data.

The Amazonia Program is a multifaceted initiative addressing cartographic gaps and promoting social impact mapping in the region. Partnerships with civil protection authorities aim to fill cartographic gaps and improve risk management. Anticipatory mapping identifies vulnerable areas to enhance planning and response. Community projects teach cartography and support environmental monitoring across various Amazonian cities in Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru, fostering local engagement and open data ownership.

  1. Amazonian Mappings Iniciative

  2. Collaborative and Inclusive Mapping of the Middles Solimões, Amazon

Open Mapping for All

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Exploring and integrating open mapping tools into educational projects while training the next generation of open mappers, starting in high schools across Argentina, Colombia, and Peru.

The initiative has successfully engaged over 2,000 students and 200 teachers across Argentina, Peru, and Colombia. Collaborating closely with the Ministries of Education in these countries, OM4A aims to broaden the scope of open mapping education, with a primary emphasis on enhancing human resource development. The program’s core objective revolves around catalyzing educators to harness the potential of mapping technologies within diverse educational settings, spanning both rural and urban landscapes.

Get to know more about the project here

Caribbean Program

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Our efforts in the Caribbean have focused on establishing a strong presence and fostering a culture of practice, innovation, and resilience. By forging partnerships with local stakeholders and organizations like the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), we’ve facilitated engagement in development and disaster management. The launch of the OSM Caribbean Community underscores our commitment to collaboration and knowledge sharing. Through initiatives like the Drone Training program in Dominica, we’ve empowered locals to capture critical data, enhancing disaster preparedness. Additionally, our Women-Centered Disaster Resilience in SIDS initiative prioritizes equipping women and girls with essential mapping skills, enabling their active involvement in disaster response across several Caribbean nations.

  1. Launch of OSM Caribbean

  2. Enhancing Caribbean Disaster Management Through Collaborative Mapping with CDEMA

  3. Catalyzing Impact: Inaugural Micro-Grants by HOT and Caribbean School of Data

  4. Women-Centered Disaster Resilience In Small Island Developing States

Urban Resilience Open Data Solutions

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We aim to strengthen urban communities through integrated solutions that enhance technical capabilities in using information for various sectors involved in territorial management, both governmental and civic. Our focus spans key areas such as transportation, disaster risk management, and sustainable urban growth, with the purpose of assisting cities in facing and adapting to constantly changing challenges. We work closely with communities and local stakeholders to develop adaptive solutions centered on territorial data management that meet their specific needs.

  1. Collaborative Public Transportation Mapping The main goal is to enhance the capacities of local administration and the community, improve the base map of streets in OSM, and digitize and make accessible the routes of unstructured public transportation in participating cities.

  2. Open Cities Projects We implements innovative projects in cities across various regions, aiming to promote resilience and sustainable development. This program brings together a variety of stakeholders, including governments, donor agencies, the private sector, universities, and civil society groups. To achieve its goals, it utilizes community mapping techniques to generate practical information, develop decision-making tools, and strengthen the trust networks necessary for sustainability.

  3. Resilient Open Cities - Training for Open Government Partnership (OGP) We train local governments in collaboration with the Open Government Partnership, aiming to raise awareness and develop mapping skills in six local governments in Chile, Brazil, Ecuador, and Mexico. More info here.

  4. Anticipatory Emergency Mapping for Resilient Planning We employ anticipatory mapping tools to identify and manage emerging risks, with the aim of strengthening the responsiveness and resilience of urban communities to natural disasters and extreme events.

  5. Development of Service Mapping for Specific Populations We produce detailed maps identifying the location and accessibility of essential services for specific population groups, thereby facilitating planning and decision-making aimed at improving quality of life in urban environments.

Our stories / news

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