Mission 2: report on field trips to Jacmel and Leogane
First Stop: Jacmel On May 19th we departed Port Au Prince enroute for the town of Jacmel. The trip took us 100 km south...
May Mid-Mission to Haiti Report From Nicolas and Dane
Our second week here in Haiti is off to a fast start, and we look forward to sending a more detailed report upon its...
Mission 1: recap from third week conducting outreach and training on OSM in Haiti by Nicolas
Back to base (Brittany, France) at the end of the third week of this OSM/HOT mission in Haiti of which you'll find the main...
Mission 1: recap of the second week conducting training and outreach on OpenStreetMap in Haiti by Robert
Earlier this week I arrived back in Washington, DC after a two week stay in Port-au-Prince with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team where I conducted...
Mission 1: recap of the first week conducting training and outreach on OpenStreetMap in Haiti by Robert and Nicolas
The training and outreach around OpenStreetMap that Nicolas and I are doing in Haiti as part of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (aka HOT) is...